SMART SPINDLE  Reliability Maintenance Program 

The Objective of this program is to ensure Zero surprise failure and unplanned downtime of your machines through Online Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics through SKF Diagnostic Services
Skf smart spindle services

SKF’s support under this program is to improve overall machine performance.
 This program is expected to influence the parameters like maintenance cost, unplanned downtime, mean time to repair (MTTR), mean time between failures (MTBF) and quality rejections.
The Online Sensors installed on SMART Spindles shall provide data on continuous time based
interval basis to provide proactive feedback to users on what needs to be done to extend its
functional life by implementing Spindle Health Monitoring and interfacing data to local
customer server database and predictive maintenance analysis and corrective actions and
suggestions from SKF.Spindle services will definitely maximize performance to improve productivity
With this information you can take cognizance of the condition of “Spindle Drive Motor and Spindle” and it will help you in the prevention of failure.

Some of the indicative targeted benefits that SKF envisages for the customer through this Program include:
· Continuous online Monitoring of Critical Asset ensuring data integrity by automatic
   data upload which minimizes human error and establishes consistency and standardization
· Improvement in Plant performance metrics like Mechanical Availability, Reliability,
   OEE, MTBF, and MTTR
· Improvement in Asset Reliability and predictability of machine behavior
· Peripheral benefits can include cost reduction in repairs & Spares
· Creation of baseline data for equipment performance for all in-scope plant equipment
   thus aiding in better cost management
· Improve safety and avoid accidents


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